Notecard: Books and solitude

So why is reading books any better than reading tweets or wall posts? [...] First, the person who wrote it thought about it a lot more carefully. The book is the result of his solitude, his attempt to think for himself. 

Second, most books are old. This is not a disadvantage: this is precisely what makes them valuable. They stand against the conventional wisdom of today simply because they’re not from today. Even if they merely reflect the conventional wisdom of their own day, they say something different from what you hear all the time. But the great books, the ones you find on a syllabus, the ones people have continued to read, don’t reflect the conventional wisdom of their day. They say things that have the permanent power to disrupt our habits of thought. They were revolutionary in their own time, and they are still revolutionary today. 

- from Solitude and Leadership by William Deresiewicz via Farnam Street

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